It's been a while since my last post aite?
Haha. Cause im home tuition in Pulai Perdana.
It's actually with my cousin.
Presenting. Nur Nabilah Zainudin
Okay she's so smart.
And she has a Macbook Air which is damn cool.
Okay 5 days in cousin's house.
Studied Sejarah with her.
For her it's kinda easy but me --'.
Haha, i'll try what had you teach me.
This tuition thingy has a package
cause most of our time we'd like, umm
hanging out and stuff. Aeon especially.
In 5 days we've went to Aeon Taman Universiti
Aeon Bukit Indah
and Aeon Tebrau City.
It's cool. we ate Nando's, marshmallow, Secret Recipes,
Dominos, coolblog, sushis, roti canai and like many more.
We tasted 3 kind of CHCOLATE LAVA CAKE.
1st Nando's it's okay.
2nd Secret Reipes dmn it's awesaineee.
3rd Domino's secret recipe's better.
yeah, we're the best food tester.
She treats me all of this stuff.
Sebenarnya, dia baru balik fro UMS thats why makan banyak gila
sebab dekat Sabah has aneh kinds of food.
So revenge lah bila balik :)
She's going to KOLEJ MARA BANTING soon.
Good Luck lu. be the best :)
and thanks for all
Haha. when FOOD MONSTERS strike.

this is us at Nando's AEON Bukit Indah.
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